50 North has licensed social workers to provide information, referrals, advocacy. If you are overwhelmed or you are experiencing a different situation, 50 North is here to help seniors and their caregivers navigate a wide range of needs.
Connect with 50 North today or browse available resources.
Alzheimer’s Support Group
This group meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month,
5:30 pm at 50 North. Questions? Contact Mary Beth Torsell
at matorsell @alz.org or 419-419-5858 or call 800-272-3900.
Caregivers Support Group
This group meets the 1st Thursday of each month,
1:30 pm at 50 North. It is designed for families, partners,
and caregivers who want a safe place to discuss the stresses, challenges, and rewards of providing care for older adults.
For more information, contact Gary at 419-423-8496.
Diabetes Support Group “Doing
Diabetes Together”
This group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month,
10:00 am at 50 North. Facilitated by Jennifer Little,
Family and Consumer Sciences Educator for OSU Extension Office.
If you are interested in learning more about this group,
contact Jennifer Little at little.18@osu.edu or register at
419-423-8496 ext 120.
Parkinson’s Support Group
This group meets the 3rd Thursday of each month,
1:00 pm at 50 North. For more info, email Mark Fisher at mfish1200@aol.com.